Whether you are a repeat customer, a past portrait client, or an admirer of their work, there are many ways you can thank and help the photographers in your life. Whether it is a review from your experience, referrals, or sharing your favorite portraits, every bit counts towards supporting your favorite photographer. While there are endless opportunities to show your appreciation, let’s focus on 5 ways to help and thank your photographer.
1 | Leave Them A Review!
Think about it, when you are looking for a place to stay, eat, or experience, checking the reviews is one of the first steps. After you have completed your portrait experience with your photographer, they may ask if you could write a review for them. Even if they don’t ask, it means the world to see those reviews come across our screen! Find their Facebook and/or Google page and share your experience with others looking for portraits like yours. Adding your favorite photo from your session is the perfect bow on top of a positive review for your photographer.
2 | Refer Your Friends!
The best compliment a photographer can receive is the gift of referrals. We like to know if we have done a good job for you and meeting barn friends, family or work colleagues because of you makes our day. Whether it’s during lessons at the barn or you come across a social media post searching for a photographer just like the one you had, mention their name and their business, it never hurts! Can you think of someone you know who would enjoy spending an evening dressed up with their horse?
3 | Share Your Portraits!
Sharing your watermarked portraits on social and business platforms is much appreciated, but don’t forget to tag our business as well! When you give credit to your photographer on Facebook or Instagram, you can simply apply @ before the name of their business and you are good to go! For example, @charlottedetiennephotography
We also love keeping in touch after your portraits are complete and tagging us will ensure we can see what amazing things you are up to!
4 | Document Your Art!
Once you have completed the planning call, enjoyed the session, and picked out your artwork you will finally have a perfect package arrive at your doorstep. I know it can be super exciting when that wooden crate arrives with your custom canvas inside. Take a moment to video yourself opening your package as well as photos of your artwork in your home! Sharing those photos both online as well as sending them to your photographer makes their day and helps them use it to promote their work! If you have wall art in your home and haven’t sent a photo our way, feel free the next time you are home to do so!
5 | Purchase a Gift Certificate!
The best part about Gift Certificates is that you can either purchase them for a friend or yourself in the future! Investing in Gift Certificates is an extremely helpful and direct method when it comes to showing your support and gratitude for your photographer. Gift Certificates make amazing gifts for birthdays, holidays, and of course, bringing home a new horse or dog! Do you have someone in mind who you think would love a gift certificate for professional portraits?
We always love working with you and getting to know your furry friends and are grateful for your trust in the experience we are providing. Thank you for returning when it is time to update your portraits, leaving those reviews, sharing your portraits, and investing in future sessions! Make sure you apply a few of these tips and tricks to your favorite photographer if you haven’t already!
Are you looking to schedule one-of-a-kind portraits catered to you and your (furry) family? Visit HERE to begin your portrait journey with Charlotte today!