Kayla, Kelly & Matt

My favorite family portraits are the ones including the humans you love as well as the animals who have become family big and small. For Kayla, Kelly and Matt, their four Quarter Horses and two dogs have become family. 

For their portraits, we highlighted Kayla’s undeniable bond with Freddy, he is described as her horse and came into her life when she was just four years old! Although Freddy is a senior horse these days, he still has the same spunky spirit he has always had! Sporting a black lace dress, Kayla’s portraits with Freddy complemented one another perfectly and depicted the bond they built years ago! 

Their other three horses Brownie, Lexi and Petie also tagged along for a few much needed family portraits! While Brownie may have been the only bay in a pasture of mostly sorrels, their coats offered a beautiful variety of color for this family’s portrait! Naturally I wanted to make sure we highlighted the beginning flame for their family’s equine obsession, Kelly! 

Kelly is described as the serious one, but has a passion for horses just as Kayla, which is why we are here today! It always starts with one horse, well maybe they need a friend and then it leads to a dog. Suddenly you end up with four horses, two dogs and a non-horsey husband scratching his head wondering how he got here. After looking at the stunning family portrait we created, I am sure everyone is happy, horse person or not! 

Let’s talk about dogs for a moment! When booking family portraits, your dogs can become just as much family as the years go by. Even if your dogs are a little rambunctious, I promise you won’t regret having a one of a kind family portrait created with the animals who are excited to see you each and every day. For our final shots, we included two of the horses along with their dogs Loli and Bullet. Loli is an adorable Corgi mix while Bullet is an Australian Shepard, it’s pretty easy to tell them apart but if you need a little help, Loli is the short one! Including Loli and Bullet felt like the final piece to the puzzle for this family portrait!

Please enjoy a few of our favorite portraits created for Kayla, Kelly, Matt and the four legged family members! If you have been interested in creating professional family portraits, feel free to visit https://bit.ly/2TONzwB and begin your portrait journey today! 

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