Boy I’ve had a busy week! First of all I got a new name…my humans call me “Jake” but sometimes they say “Jakey”, I like that too. Sometimes they laugh and call me “Jake from State Farm”, whoever that is. My first human mom started calling me by my new name before I left, I like it better than “Blue”, that was my before name.
The people who came to see me last week came back again. I guess they liked me, the man had a big weird boot thing on his foot, me and my brother played with the velcro and it made him laugh. My new Mum kept saying something about searching, I’m not sure what we will be searching for but I hope it’s cookies, I think I would be good at it. Yesterday in the truck, she showed me a sticker with an orange logo on it. She told me “Boy, you will live and die by this team…and you are gonna be the best dog they have ever seen!”. I’m not so sure about the dying part but I’m excited to find out what that’s all bout!
Anyway, back to Tuesday (I think that’s what they call it)…I had one last play with my doggy mom ‘Hanna’ in the yard before we left, she played nice with us, I liked it when she flipped us over! Then, away we went. At first I was a little scared, I didn’t know these people. But they smelled like nice people and they kept telling me I was a good boy so I wasn’t too worried. I tried to look out of the window to see where we were going but I was soooo sleepy I couldn’t stand up anymore. On the way home my new mum held me on her lap, she laughed at everything I did and I snuggled into her all the way home. When we got to new home we went all the way up some big stairs. That first time they carried me up but now I can run up and down them all on my self. We went inside and I met my new sister, her name is Bekkie. At first she was excited to see mum & dad but then when she saw me she got grumpy. I don’t know why, I tried to say hi and show her what a god boy I am but she snapped at me and got me on my nose, that first time I was frightened but now I know that she won’t hurt me, she’s just a “Grumperton” as mummy says. That evening we played a lot, mum and dad kept taking photos on their phones and we played ball inside. I wasn’t very good at ball then, but now I’m a pro. I slept so well that night, only getting up for pee-pee once. I called for new Mummy in the night and she came all bundled up in a sweater and took me downstairs. When I did my pee-pee she got all excited and squealed a bit like me. I wasn’t sure why I had to sleep in my crate, at first I didn’t like it but now it’s my cosy den. Except for when I want food, or playtime or a cuddle, then I just yell at them to let me out…it works most of the time.
The next morning we went to the doctors at Main Street Vets. The lady there made a big fuss of me while I sat with mum & dad on the chair. They clipped my toenails and stuck something up my butt, I didn’t like that much. Then Dr.Williams gave me some funny medicine and some gummy treats for being a good boy and I took a nap on the table. I think we have to go back soon but it wasn’t so bad…
The next few days mum says she didn’t get much work done. I’m not sure why, cos she seemed very busy throwing the ball for me and snuggling on the bean bag that I now own. That’s what she means by work isn’t it? She sometimes stares at this screen thingy she calls a “get off my laptop”, sometimes it makes noises but most of the time it’s just boring so I try to press the buttons myself to make it do something more exciting.
After a couple of days I got really good at everything, playing ball, climbing the stairs, eating my breakfast and dinner from a big boys bowl…sometimes even my sister approved! She still doesn’t like me very much but I think she’s just a jealous pants, she’ll get over it. I got to go for a walk with her too but Mum carried me in a back pack, she said the pasture is too germy for me but soon I can walk by myself, which is good cos my legs are getting long!
We went to visit a nice lady called Mimi who had a fun doggy who played all evening with me. His name is Tuff. Everybody squealed when they saw me and they passed me around a lot. I learned to play cards too!
The best day though was when I went to “Work”. There were people wearing orange T-Shirts and they talked a lot about “Search & rescue” and “laying trails”. It seems like a lot of fun and I saw that orange logo again. I think this is what I will be doing when I’m a big boy. Bekkie was very excited and jumped about in her big crate. I don’t think Mummy understands dog but she was yelling “It’s my turn! Let me at it!”. Then she came back all puffed out and slept all the way home.
The next night, Mum and Dad went somewhere and I stayed with this girl called Sissy. I’m not sure who she is but I like her. We played all evening and then feel asleep in front of the TV.
I think I’m getting quite good at driving, I think that’s what they call it. Basically you just have to go to sleep in your crate, it wobbles around a bit and when you wake up you are somewhere different. I though driving would be harder. I did some driving all the way to this place called Blue Ridge where we met some more people, it rained a lot so we just did a lot of napping and playing inside. Bekkie finally decided that she wanted to play with me, but she barked too loud behind the couch and I wasn’t sure if she was playing or not, mums eyes were leaking when Bekkie did that, but she wasn’t sad cos she was laughing. I don’t get it.
I’ve been at this new place a week now and I quite like it. Sometimes I’m not sure what’s going on, like when I got the wrong way to the outside and pooped in Mummy’s bedroom. My teddy bear feels nice though, it kind of reminds me of snuggling with my brothers and sister so I snuggle that when I feel homesick. Mum says that when Dr. Williams gives me more medicine I will be able to play outside with the other doggies, that will be fun.